GE Appliances 2hp Inverter Split Type Air Conditioner AE1BC18NKO

GE Appliances 2hp Inverter Split Type Air Conditioner AE1BC18NKO
Opened Box units are brand new units with physical imperfections like scratches, dents, discoloration (yellowish) or torn boxes/ no boxes due to mishandling. Often they are display units returned by the retailers.
Sealed box units are those sold by the retailers – i.e. Ansons, SM, Robinsons, Western, etc
1hp to 1.5 HP = Php7,500++
2hp to 2.5 HP = Php8,500 ++
3hp =Php9,500++
1. Survey (for the first visit)
2.Labor cost for basic back-to-back installation
3.Boring of one (1) hole in wall
4.10ft copper tube
5.Electrical Works: electrical wire from
indoor to outdoor
6.Hanging Bracket
7.Drain Line
8.Price inclusive of VAT.
1.Circuit Breaker & Electrical Provision
2.Chipping / Masonry Works
3.Service platform (Scaffolding / Lifter
4.Provision for Catwalk installation
5.Dismantling of old AC
6.Excess to 10ft copper tube
7.Transportation varies on location
8.Additional cost for platform bracket
Call our Authorize Service Center for Installation
Quality Circuits Services:
T: 8643-3456 loc 102 to 106
M: 09088664085, 09177025212, 09176241161
Book online: Click here
Call our Authorize Service Center for Installation
Quality Circuits Services
Telephone : 8643-3456 loc 102 to 106
Cellphone : 09088664085 , 09177025212, 09176241161
*Payment for installation is not included in this purchase and should be made directly to our accredited installers.
If unauthorized service personnel will install the unit, the warranty will be void.
- In stock, ready to ship
- Inventory on the way
- Secure payments